
In Django image crud, you will be able to add a product with image. You can edit the product data such as name, description and price along with the image. The old image will be deleted and the new image will be stored


In Django image crud, you will be able to add a product with image. You can edit the product data such as name, description and price along with the image. The old image will be deleted and the new image will be stored


You must have the following softwares installed in your laptop/pc:

  • Python & pip
  • Django
  • Xampp Server (Wamp, Lamp, Mamp also works)
  • Any Web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox


  • Unzip the downloaded file and move it inside your htdocs folder (C drive->xampp->htdocs)
  • You will find a .sql file inside the main folder. Open phpmyadmin and import the database in your database.
  • Make sure the database's (in which you are importing the .sql file) name is correctly mentioned in the settings.py file
  • Once you have completed all the above steps, run the below command to start your django project:
py manage.py runserver
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Category Django > Django Image CRUD
First release 19 Oct 2021
Last update 03 Feb 2023
Files included .py, .html, .css, .sql
Tags django image crud, django crud
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