
Chat Application in PHP is built in Procedural PHP and MySQL. In this application, we are not accessing contacts from the device. All the registered users can search their friends on the search friends page and send request to their friends. Once their friend has accepted the request, they will be able to chat on the application. 


Features :

  1. Login and Register.
  2. Profile - change Username, Status, Phone, etc.
  3. Search for friends.
  4. View Friends.
  5. Chat with a friend
  6. Message Status - Sent -  , Received -  , Seen - ✓   - (Bluetick)
  7. Total Unseen message Count.
  8. Search friends in recent chats
  9. Clear chat
  10. Block / Unblock user
  11. View Received Friend Requests
  12. View Sent Requests.
  13. Invite others to this app through WhatsApp
  14. Full Responsive on Mobile, Tablets, Laptop and desktop.


Host : Localhost

PHP Version : 5.6 and above

Database : MySQL DB

Web Browser : Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, MS Edge.


To run the project on your pc/laptop :

  1. Download the .zip file and extract the files from it.
  2. Paste the folder inside the xampp/htdocs folder.
  3. Open the database folder present inside the main folder, you will find a pigeon.sql file. Import the .sql file in your database.
  4. Open your browser and paste "localhost/pigeon/" in the browser. Your project will be running successfully.
  5. Now you can Register and login and start using the application.
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Category PHP > Chat Application in PHP - WhatsApp Messenger Clone
First release 14 Jul 2021
Last update 29 Mar 2022
Files included .php .css .sql .js
Tags chat application in php, php chat application, Whatsapp Clone in php,
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